Tuesday, July 23, 2013

LiLash Update!

I apologize to anyone who was anxiously awaiting the growth of my eyelashes. I have been going non stop between work and regular life and simply could not find the time to post my pictures.

I still can't decide what is the best way to track my lash growth (or lack of?)... with mascara, or without? So, I kind of did both. I feel like right now the progress is minimal, but I think there is a small change. And I mainly notice it just when I am putting on my mascara.

Still, I haven't talked to anyone who didn't have extreme success with this product, so I am anxious to see the upcoming results.

L-R July 7th (approx one week in) and July 18th (approx two weeks in)

L-R July 18th (with mascara) and July 22nd (with mascara)
So... there you have it. I don't know! I think there is a tiny bit of difference in length. So far, no negative side effects that I can think of. Sometimes it burns a little if I get carried away when I am putting in on, but other than that, no issues!

It will be interesting to see if there are any noticeable changes in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

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