Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Scent Controversy

I am a firm believer that every room in your house should smell amazing. Upon moving into a new house or apartment, I always immediately begin working on making it smell great. That is obviously more important than unpacking, right? Anyways, my go-to was typically wallflowers from Bath and Body Works.

I love those things. I have one in every room. I stock up so much that I have a year's supply in my closet. They are fantastic.

They WERE fantastic.

In the last couple of years, I noted the gradual change to Scentsy products that seemed to be happening. I really didn't care. I considered myself well-armed in the scent department and not interested in a new product. Especially something I had to order from someone.

But, of course, one of my dear friends surprised me with a  Scentsy last year. I was (admittedly) super excited. I got that baby ready to go and plugged it in and... well... I LOVE IT. It's SO much better than a wallflower. The smell factor is amazing... and there are so many wonderful scents to choose from. I was easily sold. And now I am somewhat obsessed with buying and trying new scents. My favorite is still "Luna." If you are on the line about whether Scentsy is for you... I would go ahead and say it probably is.

Here is a pic of some of their new products this season. I recently purchased the warmer in the middle. It looks really cute!

Check out Scentsy here.

Disclaimer: I still buy and use wallflowers. They are just not as cool anymore. 

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